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Ubiquitous / Transmediale Vorspiel - Exhibition Invite

Fellow classmate, Kim Bode, is happy to invite you to the group exhibition "Ubiquitous", curated by Johanna Wenzel and Nicolas Rosero.

Kim will be participating with a sound piece produced under the name of the group Bureau of Transitioning Landscapes, currently consisting of Anne Line Gertz and Kim Bode. 

‚Bureau of Transitioning Landscapes‘ is a long durational artistic-research and archival-project that focuses on the exploitation of landscapes and natural habitats.

Its aim is to shed light on the naturecultural entanglements of entities and their backlashes into the patriarchal anthropocentric worldview of human cultures (mainly focusing on Europe). 

The exhibition "Ubiquitous" - an ambient intermission - is part of the CTM/transmediale Vorspiel program and will take place on the weekend of the 18th and 19th of January 2020. The program explores the state of affairs of our environment by bringing its peripheral aspects into the foreground. For this, the aesthetics of ambient music will be abridged with the ecological in an effort to renegotiate the power structure of the environments we occupy.

With works by:

Alejandro Villegas, Bailey Keogh, Carlos Pablo Villamizar, Carlos Serrano, Felipe Vaz, Jérémy Bocquet & Grégoire Houcke, Jonas Wiese, Julio Lugon, Katharina Bevand, Kim Bode, M.Kardinal & Monocube, NO PROJEKT, Sally von Rosen, Sebastian de la Luz and Yasmin Nebenführ.


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