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Rundgang 2023


“There is no space without concern. 

Without concern there is no space.”

(Elke Krasny: Scales of Concern — Feminist Spatial Practices. 

In: Beitin, Koch, Ruhkamp (Ed.): EMPOWERMENT — Art and Feminisms. bpb, Bonn 2022)


In her essay “Scales of Concern”, Krasny describes the urgency of consistently being and acting with concern for the space we inhabit,in order to enable new scales for the relations and entanglements between body, space, and matter. 


Oscillation as a subtle, vibrating movement between two points can describe the uncertainty of a ground, but as well the tension between the embodiment of the old and the emergence of the new. 


In OSCILLATING ON SITE we bring together our individual spatial practices that address social, historical and material states in transformation. 

The newly finished architecture of the studio 95A offers different perspectives on space, art education and practices.


Group Show in R92 & R95A



“I Dreamed I Was Someone”

Graduation Show and Performances 

by Francis Kussatz in R91


Download Roomplan and Work Descriptions

All photographs © Seunghoon Baek

Anissah Chatha

Anissah Chatha — manches machen wir gegen das vergessen

performance | 2023


Anissah Chatha  (with Sua Kang / Rabea Nora / Nil Zengin) — wie alles drängt und sich engt

group performance, steel ring | 170 x 170 cm | 2023

Aaron Bircher — Untitled 

Video (Loop) (2:56min) | 2023

Palina Benter — I'm a tired flower 

Fabric, corset, nylon tights, condoms, soil, tiles | dimensions variable | 2023

Palina Benter

Boris Arouimi — Argos prototype

ceramics, plaster, ice skate, ruins | dimensions variable | 2023

Pia Li Grau — Shelby

Engraving in glass mirror | each 120 x 100 cm | 2023

Pia Li Grau

Nilam Ali — Untitled

Fabric, clay, string, sunflower shells, screen print | 165 x 180 x 200 cm |2023

Nilam Ali — Untitled (kelim)

Photo transfer print, clay, photographs | 59,5 x 84,1 cm | 2023

Jolyon Jones — LITE

Plaster, plastic piece, ratchet strap | dimensions variable | 2023

Jolyon Jones

Maria Martini

Maria Martini — Brutkasten 

plaster, porcelain figurines | 160 x 30 x 20 cm | 2023

Sonnhild Schietzel — Untitled

Steel, magnets, iron dust  | dimensions variable | 2023

Sonnhild Schietzel

Sonnhild Schietzel


Wood, stainless steel, video, sound | dimensions variable | 2023

Jolyon Jones — Geld, Geild, Gild, Guilt

240 Wunderbäume, threaded steel rod, threaded nuts | dimensions variable | 2023

Reem Awad — Barbed Innocence 

Concrete, barbed wire, glitter | 100 x 60 x 3 cm | 2023

Marco Siciliano — 1364 chewing gum 

Chewing gum | 81 x 51 cm | 2023

Marco Siciliano — 12 chewing gum

Chewing gum, plinth, acrylglas | 10 x 10 cm | 2023

Miriam Döring — REDDENED BY FIRE

Ceramics, partly glazed, iron oxide, latex, silicone, emergency blanket, copper wire, epoxy resin, infrared light, concrete, sound (15:06 min, loop)| Installation, dimensions variable | 2023 

Miriam Döring

Miriam Döring

Lena Braatz

Lena Braatz — Taking advice from pinterest

installation with glass objects, video projection, reflection foil |

dimensions variable | 2022/23

Jule Tabea Martin — Protection 

clay, plastic fingernails, nail piercings  | 32 x 23 cm | 2023

Gloria Jurado — Spannung

bricks from Berlin demolitions, lifting sling, galvanized steel | 100 x 100 x 100 cm | 2023

Maria Martini — Backbone

150m x 120 cm | Inkjet print on paper | 2023

Francis Kussatz — I Dreamed I Was Someone

Graduation Work

Installation and Performance | 2023

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