Collaborations between the fields of Visual Arts and Stage Design
Key Topics
Museum experience x Theater Experience:
Fantasy x Reality, Psychodrama, Presentation and Representation, Enactment and Reenactment, Performance and Performativity
How to create a space that is different from reality? How to spatially anchor this distinction?
Playfulness and artistic development;
Homo Ludens by Johan Huizinga
Play and Culture, Play and Art, Play and Politics
Spatial distinctions;
Stage and architecture, how do they affect each other?
How do different levels in space affect bodies and behavior?
What are the possibilities of creating a non-hierarchical space?
Props and environment:
Role of objects
Role of lighting
Active role of the audience;
Participation, improv., actors and spectators, me and the other,
Building the stage as a live gesture; performers?
Politics of the stage:
Who is entitled to have the stage?
Who gives it to whom?
Power dynamics