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Marco Siciliano at Hošek Contemporary

The site-specific exhibition 'Vergissmeinnicht' and artist book by Marco Siciliano will be released on the pink full moon in Scorpio on Tuesday April 27, 2021 at Hošek Contemporary, Berlin & Superfluo Project, Milan.

Through the analysis of psychosomatic pain and proxemics distances, Marco Siciliano investigates relationships among bodies, transliterated into multidisciplinary works. The space assumes a pivotal role for Siciliano's research, a field where bodies acquire coordinates to appear in intimate places or in unknown landscapes, hiding and fragmenting themselves as we silently observe their slow dissolution between public and private. Photography and its serial accumulation act as leitmotiv of his research.

The Vergissmeinnicht exhibition and its book are inspired by the great ORLANDO FURIOSO by Ludovico Ariosto (1532)

Orlando’s madness because of Angelica’s “betrayal” has taken the paladin away from the war and his return to normality is necessary to make his decisive contribution to the battle, which is why Astolfo is commissioned by God to go to the Moon -where all the things that are lost on Earth are collected- to recover the wits of Orlando.

After visiting Hell, Astolfo reaches the Moon on board Elijah’s chariot. His prodigious journey becomes an opportunity to blame the madness of man who throws time away chasing vain illusions in search of a lost reason.

Book your appointment and pre-order the artist book via

The exhibition will be on display until May 22, 2021.


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