The exhibition JUMPING TRAFFIC LIGHTS presents current works by eleven artists currentlystudying at the Berlin University of the Arts in the classes of Monica Bonvicini, Thomas Zippand Valerie Favre. The show, initiated by the emerging talents themselves, will take place from28 to 30 April 2023 within the time frame of Gallery Weekend Berlin and at the same time makesuse of a central location of this event: Potsdamer Strasse. Between well-known galleriesis the HALBHAUS, as it is called by the artists. This space is rented for two years by the artacademy to compensate the lack of free studio space for the students due to renovation. Now the artists are using the HALBHAUS as a temporary exhibition space.With its exhibition title, JUMPING TRAFFIC LIGHTS refers to a breach of rules. Traffic lightsserve to ensure safety and order in road traffic. However, the English term "jumping a redlight" resonates with a dynamic that gives the red light violation an almost positive expression.This term can be thought of in a more general sense: when restrictive structures are questioned,fought against or disregarded, a freer existence can sometimes be achieved.Thus, the offspace show implants itself as a diversified accent in the well-known galleryweekend and challenges the established structures of the art business in favor of a new wayof thinking. With courage and confidence – in the fast lane, so to speak – the artists defyseemingly entrenched rules by giving themselves, in the early stages of their careers, anunusual amount of visibility.
The space has been used repeatedly for exhibitions in recent years, such as from 2018 to2020 under the name PS120. It is characterized by its central location at the intersection ofPotsdamer Strasse and Kurfürstenstrasse, including a subway station, permanent car noises,street prostitution, fast food, and high-priced stores. The everyday life at this location becomesan essential part of the exhibition through the panoramic view to the outside. Life in the city also shapes the works of the eleven artists. They find their individual expressionto address urban socialization, their own experiences and longings in Berlin in the form ofpainting, photography, installation or sculpture.
The exhibition closes on Sunday, 30.4.2023 with a party at HALBHAUS, with DJs Grippe,BBY JSS, On a Crac, among others.
Bonvicini class members: Aaron Bircher, Pia Li Grau, Bailey Keogh and Marco Siciliano participated